MSTable movies: Z

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ZAPPED! (1982) Embassy Pictures Corporation
These 2 movies are TERRIBLE! I can't tell whether these movies are comedies or a sci-fi films or what! Anyway, the basic plot to one of them (I forgot which one!) is that there are these 4 or 5 geeks in a high school science club. The problem is that they are the only geeks in the high school science club. And since their club has no members, some fraternity club thing is going to get their meeting room. (Of course! School administrators ALWAYS choose fraternities over educational clubs!) So these science club members cook up this chemical/stuff and drink it. The stuff gives them psychic powers whenever they raise one of their eyebrows! So they somehow get their meeting room back. Cast of characters: The frat boys, some hero guy, some typically sweet heroine, a slut, a male slut, and two teachers who WANT each other!

This movie is terrible! Ugh! I can't believe no one's written about this one yet!

If you (for some demented reason) WANT to watch it, it's on USA half the time! Don't say I didn't warn you!
ZARDOZ (1973) Fox Rand Distributors
[...] which stars Sean Connery in some twisted vision of the future of Earth. He doesn't have any lines for about the first thirty minutes of the movie, and flies around the earth in the mouth of a giant head, while wearing a diaper.
Joe Di Blasi,
If MST3K ever does anime (PLEASE, GOD!), let them zing Zillion. Atrociously stupid, cliche-ridden story about... well, the McGuffin of the story is this gun-type thing, but who cares? Every time they tried to build tension we snickered, and halfway through the first one we had better jokes than they did. (And this is from someone who loved Voltron, so...)
[F]eaturing the thespic talents of Rita Jenrette, former congressman's wife (and her two big talents that didn't recieve billing).
Jeff Allwood,
ZOMBIE LAKE (original title LE LAC DES MORTS VIVANTS) (1980) Union Films S.A.
Directed by Jean Rollin who was apparently so ashamed that he used the pseudonym J.A.Laser.

This is basically a cautionary tale about the dangers of nude dog-paddling in lakes in former Nazi-occupied Europe. It seems that some of the lakes may be breeding grounds for old geezers who cover themselves in avocado green house paint and buy their wardrobes at the local Army Surplus store.

Eric Conrad,
ZONTAR THE THING FROM VENUS (1966) American International Television
It's about the evil overlord of Venus Zontar's plans for taking over the earth by mind control. The mind control is done by Injectopods, which are things that fly around and sting people in the neck. They make the flying fried egg looking thing that got Spock in the back on an episode of Star Trek look like a first class special effect. Zontar himself looks kind of like a mutated bat. The end has a hilarious anti-commie political speech. I think this movie was made in 1966, and it stars John Agar. It's a remake of an earlier Roger Corman movie (which I haven't seen) called It Conquered the World.
Mary Janes,

[Editor's note: It Conquered the World appeared in episode 311 of MST3K.]

Petréa Mitchell