707 Sapling Lane ![]() |
Other OrganizationsConvention Oriented GroupsMassachusetts Convention Fandom, Inc. (MCFI) has managed to run three Worldcons, and is running a fourth. They're a powerful example of what a committed group can do. Their current project is the 2004 Worldcon, Noreascon 4. This implies competence, insanity, or a healthy balance of the two. The Southern California Institute for Fan Interests, Inc. is an organization based out in California, surprisingly enough. They've run two Worldcons, three Westercons, a NASFiC, and they're bidding for the 2006 Worldcon. In addition, they run the Fan Gallery, a traveling exhibit of fannish portraits, and are extremely generous to the various fan funds. They're also and inspiration, and one of their founding members, Bruce Pelz, is a part of why we're around. Alas, Bruce is no more, and we miss him terribly. Midwest Worldcon BidsCurrently, Midfan's policy is that we support, but do not formally endorse, any and all Worldcon Bids in the zone. (This means we're not telling anyone who to vote for.) But we are glad that the Midwest is trying for.... It should be noted that Midfan is not involved, as an organization, with any of the above bids. Individual Midfan members may be involved, of course. The Seated WorldconsAt any given moment, there are three Worldcon committees seated. Actually, to be pedantic, for a couple of days during the Worldcon, there are four. The current batch:
Torcon 3 Updated 11-Feb-2003: webmaster@midfan.org |