First Main Business Meeting Agenda.

WSFS First Main Business Meeting Agenda

Presiding Officer: Donald Eastlake III
Parliamentarian/Deputy P.O.: Kevin Standlee
Secretary: Robert Sacks (standing in for Pat McMurray)
Emergency Holographic Secretary: Cheryl Morgan
Timekeeper: 'Zanne Labonville

Portions of this agenda may refer to separate handouts or to the Preliminary Business Meeting Agenda. Many of the motions being considered today were introduced at the Preliminary Business Meeting. Copies of the PBM Agenda should still be available in the handout area near the entrance to the room.

1. Committee Reports

Committee reports may include motions. Motions made by committees consisting of more than one person need not be seconded.

1.1. Mark Protection Committee (Including Elections for MPC)

Nominees: Scott Dennis (Central), Donald Eastlake III (East), Martin Hoare (Rest of World), Ruth Sachter (West).

The election will be held today. Due to zone residency restrictions, we can elect at most two people from the Western zone, two people from the Central zone, one person from the Eastern zone, and three people from the Rest of the World. Write-in votes are allowed, but write-in candidates must submit their consent to election by the close of balloting. (See the head table staff for a nomination acceptance form.)

1.2. Nitpicking & Flyspecking Committee

NP&FSC Items 1 through 4 (See separate handout) passed at the Preliminary Business Meeting

1.2.5. Hugo Voting Clarification

This motion was amended by the Preliminary Business Meeting to read as follows: Moved, to amend Section 3.10 of the WSFS Constitution as follows:

3.10.1: Final Award voting shall be by mail, with ballots sent only to WSFS members. balloting in advance of the Worldcon. Only WSFS members may vote. Final Award ballots shall include name, signature, address, and membership-number spaces to be filled in by the voter.
Debate Time Limit: 2 minutes.

1.2.6. NASFiC Reporting

This motion is in NP&FSC Report.

Debate Time Limit: 10 minutes.

1.2.7. Awaken the Sleeping Dogs

This motion was postponed to the Main Business Meeting. Because this motion consists of a series of unrelated resolutions, any member may request a separate vote on any of the resolutions contained in the list.

Debate Time Limit: 20 minutes.

1.3. Worldcon Runners' Guide Editorial Committee

This committee reported to the Preliminary Business Meeting and was continued for another year.

1.4. Rest of the World Hugo Eligibility Committee

The eligibility extension resolution reported by this committee was adopted (53-5) at the Preliminary Business Meeting, and the committee was continued. The Business Meeting Chair will announce appointments to this committee. No constitutional amendments were passed on to the Main Business Meeting.

2. Worldcon Reports

2.1 Past Worldcons and NASFiCs

Those conventions listed in the Preliminary Business Meeting agenda but not listed below gave their reports at the Preliminary Business Meeting. Handouts of their financial reports should still be available.

2.1.3. Bucconeer (1998)

2.1.4. Conucopia (1999 NASFiC)

NASFiCs are not currently required to submit reports to the WSFS Business Meeting.

2.1.5. Aussiecon Three (2000)

2.2. Seated Worldcons

2.2.1. Chicon 2000 (2000)

2.2.2. The Millennium Philcon (2001)

3. Business Passed On from Aussiecon Three
There is no Business Passed On from Aussiecon Three.

4. New Business


4.1.1. Hugo Eligibility Extension: The Sky Road

This resolution was superceded by the blanket eligibility extension adopted at the Preliminary Business Meeting.

4.1.2. Hugo Eligibility Extension: STET 9

This resolution was adopted (46-13) at the Preliminary Business Meeting.

4.2. Standing Rules Amendments

Items under this heading may be voted upon and final action taken by the Preliminary Business Meeting. Standing rules amendments take effect at the conclusion of the 2000 Business Meeting unless given earlier effect by specific provision and a two-thirds vote. In all amendments, new text is shown in underline type and stricken text is shown in strikethru type.

4.2.1. Breakfasters’ Rights Amendment

This motion was amended to restrict the starting time of the Business Meeting to between 10:00 and 13:00 local time and then adopted as amended on a show-of-hands vote at the Preliminary Business Meeting.

4.2.2. Amending Amendments

This motion was adopted (37-26) at the Preliminary Business Meeting.

4.3. Constitutional Amendments

Items under this heading have not yet received first passage, and will become part of the constitution only if passed at Chicon 2000 and ratified at The Millennium Philcon. The Preliminary Business Meeting may have amended items under this heading, set debate time limits, referred them to committee, and taken other action as permitted under the Standing Rules. The Main Business Meeting may take final action on these motions.

4.3.1. Return to 2-Year Bidding Moved, To Amend Section 4.1.1 of the WSFS Constitution to shorten the lead time for selection of future Worldcons from three years to two years, as follows:

4.1.1 WSFS shall choose the location and Committee of the Worldcon to be held three (3) two (2) years from the date of the current Worldcon.

Provided that: this amendment shall not take effect until the conclusion of the 2004 Worldcon; that there shall be no Worldcon site selection election at the 2005 Worldcon; and that the 2006 Worldcon shall select the site of the 2008 Worldcon.
Moved by Vincent Docherty, Kent Bloom and Mark Olson

See report on page 11 of the Preliminary Business Meeting agenda for maker's argument for this motion.

Debate Time Limit: 20 minutes.

4.3.2 Best Television Series Hugo Award

This item was killed by Objection to Consideration at the Preliminary Business Meeting.

4.3.3 The Long and Short of It

This item was killed by Objection to Consideration at the Preliminary Business Meeting.

4.3.4 The Not So Long and Short of It

This item was killed by Objection to Consideration at the Preliminary Business Meeting.

5. Site Selection Business

5.1. Report of the 2003 Site Selection & Presentation by Winners

This item is scheduled for the Main Business Meeting on Sunday, September 3.

5.2. Reports by seated Worldcons

This item may be combined with items in 2.2 above

5.2.1. The Millennium Philcon (2001)

5.2.2. ConJosé (2002)

5.2.3. Presentation by bidders for 2004

6. Adjournment

By previous order adopted at the Preliminary Business Meeting, today and tomorrow's meetings will adjourn in memory of Ross Pavlac. The Preliminary Business Meeting adjourned in memory of Robert Sacks.
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